CRM Trends To Stay Ahead In 2022

SK Cloud
4 min readDec 20, 2021


Trends in customer relations and business analytics are changing. If you like to stay ahead in the game, you need to change with time. You could grow your business manifold in 2022 if you take the proper steps and do things the right way. This also means you need to predict future trends and hop on them before anyone else.

Such is the case with CRM. The CRM trends have advanced in the last few years. If you want to be a trendsetter and adopt new changes before your competitors catch the wind, you need to start now.

We have curated a list of the potential CRM trends we are bound to see in the upcoming year. Find out what they are and see if you can implement them soon.


Top CRM Trends for 2022

Estimating what your CRM practices will look like in the next few months will help you design strategies that improve sales, increase customer interaction, enhance collaboration, etc. Here’s a detailed overview of what you can expect from CRM trends in 2022.


1. AI Will Take Over

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest-growing concepts in the tech world. You might have seen AI on your phones, PCs, laptops, etc. This technology is being worked on and improved very rapidly.

With growing research AI can soon be an integral part of CRM platforms too. It is already playing an essential role in predictive analysis. Now you do not need to estimate trends for your business and leave it all to the predictive analysis features.

Additionally, it is also beneficial when you want to understand your customers better. AI studies customer data, their buying trends, and the impact of your campaigns on them. Then it provides you with data that you can use to improve your marketing strategies.

Another significant benefit of using AI for your business could be the implementation of chatbots on your website. This small investment could save you a lot of money when it comes to improving customer service.

2. CRM Tools Will Be Available On Mobile Phones

Accessibility of software and other essential features was neglected in the past in the past. But, with the COVID-19 pandemic taking over the world, business operations were conducted from remote locations. This hindered a lot of procedures and made working from home very difficult.

However, CRM platforms gave businesses a chance to adapt to this situation. Today, company-wide CRM programs and software are available for every team member and tremendously support working from remote locations.

Most CRM platforms will likely introduce mobile apps (if they haven’t already) by 2022. Company data will be available to employees working from any part of the world as long as they have access to a mobile phone.

The only concern with such applications is a security breach. CRM platforms have a ton of sensitive information that cannot be revealed to people outside the company. Moreover, hacking mobile phone apps is straightforward, so companies need to approach this issue very carefully.

3. Voice recognition features

Voice recognition may sound like a futile feature for businesses that do not usually interact with their customers in person. However, you will notice that there is an increased demand for voice recognition features and tools today.

Our phones come with voice-activated assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and even Cortana on our laptops. Voice recognition has a lot of potential for businesses as well. We have not entirely uncovered the benefits of this feature, but it could be the next big thing in CRM platforms in 2022.

For instance, you could personalize features for your customers using voice recognition tools. This will help you identify them better and get to know more about their preferences and requirements.

Some voice recognition tools are powerful enough to judge and analyze the emotion in the speaker’s voice. This way, you could learn more about clients and make your marketing campaigns more targeted.


4. Social media integration

Many CRM platforms enable you to integrate your social media profiles with the software. Integrating your social media platforms with CRM will help you get better insights.

Today, a large number of people freely express themselves and voice their opinions online. If you combine customer data your collect from social media platforms with the features of your CRM tools, you will be able to create superior quality customer profiles. You can then skim through this data to curate marketing strategies accordingly.

To Sum up

CRM trends are very dynamic, and as a business owner, you will need to accept these changes willingly and adapt to stay on top of your game. These will not only help you grow your business but will also help you unlock your true potential.



SK Cloud

SK Cloud Technologies and Consulting LTD is a Registered Salesforce Partner, Offering a fully Managed Service along with QuickStart implementations.