Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams

SK Cloud
4 min readSep 10, 2021

Workplaces that support teamwork yield more results than those where team members work individually. A collaborative team works towards a common goal and shares ideas.

Rather than focusing on individual performance, companies must strengthen the bonds of team members. If you want to create a collaborative team, there are a few ways to do the same.

Share a Team Vision

A good team needs to have a vision, a larger purpose of putting in their efforts. The team members will each find a goal for vision and work towards it. This ensures that they work for something else other than themselves.

A team vision inspires the team members to work harder. Once you provide your team with a common aim, you can see them more motivated. Moreover, it helps your team work together and supports each other at every step.

Focus on Teamwork

Organizations these days focus more on individual performance than team performance. This helps them decide who the best employees are in the organization. However, team performance brings out different sides of the employees. This can be very beneficial for the organization.

Different people can bring diverse ideas into the team. This helps in the success of the project.

Building a teamwork culture is necessary for every organization. It also helps in bringing the employees together, which is essential for a successful organization.

Establish a Mentoring Culture

A good mentor plays a vital role in building a collaborative team. Most employees look up to their seniors for advice and guidance. A team that has a good mentor will be successful in their projects.

The team leader or mentor needs to develop a good bond with the team. They have to ensure they provide value to the team.

In several organisations, the seniors maintain an open door policy. This ensures the team members can reach the senior at any time. It instills trust between the senior and the team.

Learn About the Strengths of Your Employees

Every member has specific strengths and weaknesses. No two people can be the same when it comes to skills and strengths. Hence, when working with a team, it is necessary to focus on each employee’s strengths.

If you want to assess the strengths of your team, there are several personality tests. It would also be productive to share the strengths of your team members in a meeting.

It acts as a bonding medium where the employees get to know each other’s good areas.

Teach Employees About Sharing

Sharing is a concept that contributes profoundly to form a collaborative team. When you work with other people, you need to learn to share. Sharing does not just mean sharing your food or items.

Team members can share stories, experiences, and anything else that brings them together. When members share, they come closer, which is essential for team success.

You can also share the accomplishments of your team members. This motivates them to work harder and accomplish further.

Encourage New Ideas From Your Team

Team members should have the freedom to give their ideas. The mentor should be approachable and connect well with the team members.

Each member of the team has different experiences. This gives rise to numerous ideas from the team members. Sometimes you can combine different ideas which could help with your project.

Team members should feel at ease while contributing their opinions and ideas to the team.

Go for Cross-Functional Work Groups

Creating teams with different potentials can help reach the goal. Sometimes small groups help get better results. For example, one member may be good at design while the other might be great with creative ideas.

When both these members work together, you have a creative design for your organisation. Hence, rather than focusing on a specific skill set, it is better to mix different skill sets.

Using this approach helps you build a collaborative team that learns new things. This team could focus on different things and get to know new skills from each other.

Build After-Work Team Relationships

A good team is not created overnight. You need to work hard to help the members connect. Many organisations conduct team-building exercises to help the team members collaborate.

These exercises help a great deal, but they are not always enough. Encouraging teammates to connect after work can have a more significant impact.

Whether they go for hikes or even a fun picnic, meeting outside work has several benefits.

Summing Up

Having a collaborative team in the workplace helps your organisation in various ways. Connecting with your team members will allow them to be open and safe around you. Following the methods mentioned here will provide you with positive results in the long run.

You can achieve any goal you set and get positive and successful results with a strong collaborative team.



SK Cloud

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